Your donation today makes it possible:
- to conduct our ministry at the Shrine
- to promote the knowledge of Blessed Vasyl throughout the world
- to further Blessed Vasyl’s cause for Canonization
- to maintain the upkeep of the Shrine & Museum
Donations can be made as a tribute gift, such as in memory, for health, in honour, etc.
When making a tribute gift please specify the type and for whom. If you wish an acknowledgment sent on your behalf, please provide the name and full address. When making an online donation, specify tribute information the “Message” box.
Online donations are processed through a charity called “CanadaHelps”. They will also issue your tax-receipt.
To donate click on the line below.
Donations can also be made by cheques.
Please send cheque to:
Bishop Velychkovsky Martyr’s Shrine
250 Jefferson Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R2V 0M6
All donations over $10.00 will be receipted at year end and donors acknowledged in Shrine Newsletter.
Donations can also be made in the form of stocks and shares. Please contact the shrine via phone: (204) 338-7321 or via email: to make this kind of donation.
Charitable Registration Number: #85680 7334 RR0001