Farewell to Anastasia Delikatna who has worked for the shrine these past two years. Anastasia has just graduated from the University of Manitoba. We wish her God’s blessings and all the best in the future.
Bishop Velychkovsky National Martyr`s Shrine
Canada's second martyr's shrine
Farewell to Anastasia Delikatna who has worked for the shrine these past two years. Anastasia has just graduated from the University of Manitoba. We wish her God’s blessings and all the best in the future.
Blessed Vasyl’s relatives Yuri and Christina Welleck (Welyczkowsky) from Austin, Texas, along with friends visit the Blessed Vasyl apartment/museum in Lviv, Ukraine.
On April 17, the grades 7 and 8 classes from Christ the King Catholic School visited the shrine. They later made rosaries with pieces of bread similar to the ones made by Blessed Vasyl when he was in prison.