Blessed Vasyl’s Shrine is a place of prayer for pilgrims. We have witnessed the power of prayer through the testimonies that we have obtained from people who have received graces and healings through the intercession of our martyr. Intercessory prayers, approved by the church, can be used along with your personal intentions and prayers. You may also have your prayer requests included in our weekly devotional Eastern Church services: the acathist or the moleben service in honor of Blessed Vasyl.
O Lord God, You are praised by the whole world for the marvelous works in your saints. I thank you for the grace you gave to Blessed Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky to be a faithful witness to You unto the point of death. Through his intercession I ask for the following favor for your Name is glorified forever. Amen.
+ Michael (Bzdel), C.Ss.R.
Prayer to Blessed Vasyl
(from the Acathist Hymn)
O great and holy martyr, our blessed father Vasyl, you were on fire with God’s Word and have followed His Will even unto death. You have been sanctified and purified by the Cross and now you stand in God’s Presence wearing the martyr’s crown interceding on our behalf. You, who have confidence before the Lord, pray for us who come to you with love and devotion. For we come to you with all our needs knowing that the Lord hears His faithful ones.
Intercede for us before the Almighty God, that each one receives according to their needs; bring comfort to the sorrowful and hope to the lost; heal the sick; give courage to the young; bring a change of heart to all those who fall into sin; enlighten our minds with the truth of the Gospel; inspire us always to follow Christ; help us always to choose the good; give us courage in times of distress, faith in times of despair, hope in times of darkness; and strengthen our commitment to love our Lord. Grant that each one of us be saved through the grace and mercy of God, that together with you we may praise and glorify Him who is wondrous in His saints: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to Blessed Vasyl
(from the Moleben Service)
O Lord, our God, You have so loved us, that You sent your Son Jesus who showed us the way of perfection through the way of the Cross. He was obedient to You, His Father, and took the form of a servant, even unto death, Therefore, You have exalted Him and given Him the name Lord.
You call all to believe in You and to follow Your way. We thank You for the grace You gave to Blessed Vasyl Velychkovsky such that he was able to pay the ultimate price of faithfulness to You in giving his life. His love for You, caused him to die, so as not to betray You and Your Truth.
We thank You for glorifying him in Your heavenly kingdom, that he may be for all of us a shining example of Your powerful presence in our lives. That which is impossible for us is possible through You, our Lord and Master. We pray that You give us the grace of faithfulness and generosity as we seek to respond to Your love. Through his intercession, help us always to stand firm in the Truth and be faithful to You and Your commandments.
O Holy Mother of God and our Mother of Perpetual Help, whom Blessed Martyr Vasyl loved so dearly, lead us to Your Son Jesus. Give us the courage always to follow Him in all the circumstances of our life. We place ourselves under your protection.
For all the glory and honour belongs to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
O Lord God, You are praised by the whole world for the marvelous works in your saints. I thank you for the grace you gave to Blessed Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky to be a faithful witness to You unto the point of death. Through his intercession I ask for the following favor ____________ for your Name is glorified forever. Amen.
Imprimatur + Michael (Bzdel), C.Ss.R.
If you wish to submit a prayer request, please fill out the form below. We will pray for you and your intentions daily. Your prayers are also offered at our 7:00 pm Wednesday evening devotional services.
Kondak 1
O Unconquered Bishop and Martyr,
Wonderous Wonderworker, Vasyl our father,
We bring to you, our intercessor,
our faithfilled and endearing songs,
And you, who have confidence before the Lord,
free us from all harm and danger as we sing to you:
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Ikos 1
The angelic life you lived in this world, consecrating yourself to the Word of God, which you preached untiringly to the faithful for their salvation. When the fierce storm of ungodliness swept the nation, you remained faithful and suffered for the Word. Now as you stand before the Lord do not cease to intercede for us who sing to you:
Rejoice, O you who worshiped the Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, O you who were clothed with the grace of the Lord!
Rejoice, Good shepherd of your spiritual flock;
Rejoice, O Pillar of faith!
Rejoice, for you always loved the Lord;
Rejoice, for you always trusted in His Providence:
Rejoice, for you were on fire with the Word:
Rejoice, for you enlightened many souls!
Rejoice, O Bearer of the Cross of Christ;
Rejoice, O Defender of the faith;
Rejoice, O Enlightener of minds;
Rejoice, O Intercessor for all!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 2
From your youth you lived in an atmosphere of prayer, as your priestly father led you to know the Lord, daily encountering Him in the Holy Mysteries, and together with your mother you served the poor, and came to love them, thus you learnt to sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 2
A holy mystery was revealed to you when as a young child your mother brought you to the Mother of God, where a pious monk dedicated you under her care. Throughout your life you had the Blessed Virgin as a companion and guide as she led you to dedicate yourself to her Son, Jesus, and she leads us now to sing to you:
Rejoice, O you who had the ‘Ave’ on your lips;
Rejoice, O you who had the beads in your hands;
Rejoice, O you who placed your trust in her;
Rejoice, O You who sought her protection!
Rejoice, for she led you to the angelic life;
Rejoice, for she protected you from death;
Rejoice, for her you bore insults and abuse;
Rejoice, for she was your strength!
Rejoice, for you led others to her;
Rejoice, for you enflamed them with love;
Rejoice, for she led you to Christ;
Rejoice, for you received her as your mother!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 3
As war raged around you, you offered yourself to God’s providence. Though arrested and imprisoned you trusted in God to save you. When through His wisdom you found freedom, you sang out to Him: Alleluia!
Ikos 3
Inspired by the Word of God, the Blessed One hastened to study the Word and followed his father’s footsteps to the priesthood. Through prayer, the Spirit led him to a life of virginity and as a deacon he received the Redemptorist habit, joining the sons of St. Alphonsus. The Spirit also leads us to sing:
Rejoice, for you sought Christ the Teacher, the Redeemer of our souls;
Rejoice, for you lost your life to find it in Christ;
Rejoice, for you bought the pearl of great price;
Rejoice, for you found the hidden treasure!
Rejoice, for you thirsted for the Truth;
Rejoice, for you fed on the Word;
Rejoice, for you renounced the world;
Rejoice, for you chose the kingdom.
Rejoice, for you embraced the angelic life;
Rejoice, your trust in God’s providence was profound;
Rejoice, the Spirit filled you with zeal;
Rejoice, the Word took flesh in you!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 4
Having completed your study of the Word, you received the grace of the priesthood. As the bishop’s hands were laid upon you, the Spirit of the Lord enveloped you, the Spirit who fulfills all that is lacking, and you, filled with joy, cried out: Alleluia!
Ikos 4
While enlightening young minds, your heart burned with zeal to proclaim His Word. You brought to the poor immigrants of Volyn the compassion and mercy of God. Your preaching gave them the true faith and a love for the Lord and thus we sing to you:
Rejoice, O golden-mouthed orator;
Rejoice, for in simplicity you proclaimed the Word of God;
Rejoice, O Bearer of the Good News;
Rejoice, O Enkindler of the Flame!
Rejoice, for you renewed the true faith;
Rejoice, for you restored those who were lost;
Rejoice, for you brought food to the hungry;
Rejoice, for you quenched those who thirst for truth!
Rejoice, for you were one with the poor;
Rejoice, for you brought them life;
Rejoice, for you showed them the path of devotion;
Rejoice, O Proclaimer of hope!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 5
The enemies of the church were quick to oppose you, for you enlivened the people with the true faith. They sought to expel you and falsely accused you. Remembering the words of Christ who blessed the persecuted, you rejoiced and sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 5
Returning to Halych, you continued to be the mouthpiece of the Lord. Like the apostles you toured the villages with the Word of God, seeking to bring people to a deep conversion of life, leaving sin and receiving Christ. Together with all those who heard your voice and were moved by the Word, we bring this song to you:
Rejoice, untiring missionary of Christ;
Rejoice, O Seeker of souls;
Rejoice, O Thunder of God;
Rejoice, O Balm for sinners!
Rejoice, Proclaimer of the mercy of God;
Rejoice, O Doctor of souls;
Rejoice, Compassion of Christ;
Rejoice, O Healer of wounds!
Rejoice, for you proclaimed the salvation of God;
Rejoice, for you brought us to repentance;
Rejoice, for you led us to the knowledge of God;
Rejoice, for you showed us His mercy!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 6
In honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help, you processed through the streets with the people. For this, the ungodly ones arrested you and began to beat you. But you kept your mind and eyes on the Virgin, who strengthened and comforted you. When you were released from them, you sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 6
As the flames of war engulfed the city of Ternopil, you freely and courageously entered it and sought out the most abandoned. Protected from death, you ministered to the orphans and to those who could not leave. For you became a shining light and a source of hope for all those crushed by the terror of evil, and we, encouraged by your resolve, now sing to you:
Rejoice, O Pillar of strength;
Rejoice, O Steadfast love;
Rejoice, O Courage of faith;
Rejoice, Abandoned to Christ!
Rejoice, for you sought out the poor;
Rejoice, O Consolation for the ill;
Rejoice, for you shared their cross;
Rejoice, for you did not abandon them!
Rejoice, O Selfless gift;
Rejoice, O Undying trust;
Rejoice, O Bearer of Christ;
Rejoice, O Faithful resolve!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 7
As the enemy pursued you, you ran to the Mother of God, seeking her wisdom. Like Christ in the garden, you came to your persecutors and did not resist them, but placed your hands in theirs. When offered freedom you chose Christ and for this they arrested you and thus you sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 7
Leaving the freedom of the world and embracing Christ, you were flogged and beaten by the ungodly. Interrogated and falsely accused, you were sentenced to die by firing squad. While on death row the Lord led you to bring his Word and His salvation to your fellow prisoners. They found a new freedom in Christ and together with them we sing to you:
Rejoice, for you brought hope to the hopeless;
Rejoice, for you were a light in the darkness;
Rejoice, for you freed those imprisoned by sin;
Rejoice, for you showed forth the mercy of God!
Rejoice, for you opened the unenlightened minds;
Rejoice, for you fed the starving hearts;
Rejoice, for you shared the Bread of Life;
Rejoice, for you brought them to penance!
Rejoice, O Hope for the dying;
Rejoice, O Confidence in eternal life;
Rejoice, O Surety in the Cross of Christ;
Rejoice, O Readiness for death!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 8
For three months you stood on the threshold of death, awaiting the martyr’s crown. With joy in your heart you left your cell ready to die for Christ. But then, you were sent instead to the death camps of Siberia. Embracing this new Cross you sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 8
With many others you suffered greatly in the dark coal mines of the North, sharing in the Cross of Christ. Secretly you offered the sacrifice of the Lord and fed the multitudes. Courageously you professed your faith even to the ungodly. Though punished severely, you fixed your gaze upon Jesus and therefore we sing to you:
Rejoice, for you received the crown of thorns!
Rejoice, for you were bound to the pillar of pain!
Rejoice, for you carried the full weight of the Cross!
Rejoice, for you were stripped before the ungodly!
Rejoice, for you drank the cup of sorrow!
Rejoice, for you were baptized in the bath of pain!
Rejoice, O Light of Christ!
Rejoice, O Joy of the kingdom!
Rejoice, for you bore insults for Christ!
Rejoice, for you were falsely accused!
Rejoice, O Glory of Christ!
Rejoice, O Flame unextinguished!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 9
Returning to Lviv after your imprisonment, you saw the enslavement of those who followed Christ, for the ungodly sought to destroy the Church even though the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Joining those persecuted, you courageously brought them the Word of God. Seeing grace abound you sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 9
Like to Peter the Lord asked you “Do you love me?” With your generous “Yes” the Lord said: “Feed my sheep!” As a good shepherd you put on the yoke and carried the Lamb, becoming a bishop for your people. With gratitude for your generosity we sing to you:
Rejoice, O good Shepherd;
Rejoice, for you were clothed with Grace;
Rejoice, O Presence of Christ;
Rejoice, O Joy of the Banquet!
Rejoice, for you taught the young;
Rejoice, for you fed the poor;
Rejoice, for you gave courage to the weak!;
Rejoice, for you consoled the mournful!
Rejoice, O Fountain of Mercy;
Rejoice, O Bestower of Grace;
Rejoice, O Teacher of Truth;
Rejoice, O Pastor of souls!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 10
The Grace of God flowed from you as you clothed others with the priesthood. For Christ did not leave his people orphaned but rather remained with them, fed them and saved them. Though persecuted the Church grew strong, being formed by the Cross of Christ, and you, its shepherd, sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 10
Pursued by the enemy again you were arrested. The ungodly sought to destroy you, to silence your voice, and to scatter the sheep. The Cross of Christ was now placed on your shoulders and under its heavy weight you fell to the ground: your body broken, your mind destroyed, your emotions shattered, but your love of God and your faith in Him remained on a solid rock and so we sing to you:
Rejoice, O Sacrifice of the Lamb;
Rejoice, O Expiation for our sins;
Rejoice, O Unceasing Prayer;
Rejoice, O Faithful disciple!
Rejoice, for by your wounds we are healed;
Rejoice, for by your suffering we are enlightened;
Rejoice, O Clear Witness for Christ;
Rejoice, O Martyr Divine!
Rejoice, O Lover of Christ;
Rejoice, O Faithful son;
Rejoice, O Bearer of pain;
Rejoice, O Champion of faith!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 11
For three years you suffered greatly, endured much torture and pain for the sake of Christ. Near death, the ungodly ones release you, knowing that your days were numbered. You were driven from your native land and like the Suffering Servant you became a foreigner in a foreign land. Receiving this as the Lord’s will you sang out: Alleluia!
Ikos 11
Received by the New World you came to your own, though your own knew you not. For they could not recognize the one who once preached to millions – now silenced by the tortures he received. But your faith shone forth by your silent witness and thus we sing to you:
Rejoice, O Silent One who spoke loudly to us;
Rejoice, O Tender One who showed us compassion;
Rejoice, O Shepherd who brought us the Word;
Rejoice, O Witness to the Power of God!
Rejoice, for you drank the cup of Christ;
Rejoice, for you paid the full price of love;
Rejoice, for you lost your life and found Christ;
Rejoice, for He clothed you with His Spirit!
Rejoice, O Trophy of the Church;
Rejoice, O Glory of the Cross;
Rejoice, O Power of the Resurrection;
Rejoice, O Life eternal!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 12
Having completed the journey of life and succumbing to the tortures you received for the sake of Christ, you breathe your last, commending your spirit into the hands of the Lord. You fell asleep in the Lord and your mortal body was placed on Canadian soil, where it remains with us, and so we raise our voices and sing: Alleluia!
Ikos 12
Having fulfilled God’s Will, like Christ you laid down your life for our salvation. Now you stand with countless martyrs before His Face. Do not leave us orphaned, but intercede for us that we may be with you as now we sing:
Rejoice, O Wellspring of living water;
Rejoice, O Healing for the sick;
Rejoice, O Ointment for the soul;
Rejoice, O Harbor for the lost!
Rejoice, for you call us to repentance;
Rejoice, for you show us the Face of Christ;
Rejoice, for you heal the broken heart;
Rejoice, for you restore the health of our bodies!
Rejoice, for you do not abandon us;
Rejoice, for you lead us to Christ;
Rejoice, O Bishop for all;
Rejoice, O Martyr for Christ!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 13
* O holy martyr and our father Bishop Vasyl,
Receive our humble prayer and protect us
from all danger and misfortune that may befall us.*
Intercede in our behalf before the Lord,
and deliver us from every visible and invisible enemy.*
Be our guide to life eternal and to salvation
and lead us on the path of holiness as we sing: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!
(Repeat Ikos 1 and Kondak 1)
Ikos 1
The angelic life you lived in this world, consecrating yourself to the Word of God, which you preached untiringly to the faithful for their salvation. When the fierce storm of ungodliness swept the nation, you remained faithful and suffered for the Word. Now as you stand before the Lord do not cease to intercede for us who sing to you:
Rejoice, O you who worshiped the Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, O you who were clothed with the grace of the Lord!
Rejoice, Good shepherd of your spiritual flock;
Rejoice, O Pillar of faith!
Rejoice, for you always loved the Lord;
Rejoice, for you always trusted in His Providence:
Rejoice, for you were on fire with the Word:
Rejoice, for you enlightened many souls!
Rejoice, O Bearer of the Cross of Christ;
Rejoice, O Defender of the faith;
Rejoice, O Enlightener of minds;
Rejoice, O Intercessor for all!
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
Kondak 1
O Unconquered Bishop and Martyr,
Wonderous Wonderworker, Vasyl our father,
We bring to you, our intercessor,
our faithfilled and endearing songs,
And you, who have confidence before the Lord,
free us from all harm and danger as we sing to you:
Rejoice, O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
glorious Champion for Christ!
O great and holy martyr, our blessed father Vasyl, you were on fire with God’s Word and have followed His Will even unto death. You have been sanctified and purified by the Cross and now you stand in God’s Presence wearing the martyr’s crown interceding on our behalf. You, who have confidence before the Lord, pray for us who come to you with love and devotion. For we come to you with all our needs knowing that Lord hears His faithful ones. Intercede for us before the Almighty God, that each one receives according to their needs; bring comfort to the sorrowful and hope to the lost; heal the sick; give courage to the young; bring a change of heart to all those who fall into sin; enlighten our minds with the truth of the Gospel; inspire us always to follow Christ; help us always to choose the good; give us courage in times of distress, faith in times of despair, hope in times of darkness; and strengthen our commitment to love our Lord. Grant that each one of us be saved through the grace and mercy of God, that together with you we may praise and glorify Him who is wondrous in His saints: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever and ever.
People: Amen.
Priest: Glory be to You our God, glory be to You!
People: Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth, Who are everywhere present and fill all things. Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life, come and dwell within us, cleanse us of all that defiles us and, O Good One, save our souls.
Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy and Immortal, have mercy on us. (3 X)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Trinity most holy, have mercy on us. Cleanse us of our sins, O Lord; pardon our transgressions, O Master; look upon our weaknesses and heal them, O Holy One; for the sake of Your name.
Lord, have mercy. (3 X)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Priest: For the kingdom, the power and the glory are Yours, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.
People: Amen.
Tropar: (Tone 4)
O holy Bishop And Martyr Vasyl,
you lent yourself to the apostles’ way of life
and succeeded them on their thrones.
Inspired by God, you found the way to contemplation through the practice of virtue.
Therefore, you became a perfect teacher of truth,
fighting for the faith unto the shedding of your blood.
Intercede with Christ our God that He may save our souls.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Bohorodytsi (Tone 4)
O Virgin, all-immaculate Mother of Christ God,
a sword pierced your all-holy soul
when you saw your Son and God willingly crucified.
Therefore, O blessed One,
never cease to pray to Him
that He may grant us forgiveness of sins.
We extol you, O holy Bishop and Martyr Vasyl,
and we venerate your precious sufferings,
which you bore for the sake of Christ.
verse: God is for us a refuge and strength, a helper close at hand in time of distress.
verse: They shed their blood, as if water.
verse: The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance; of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Priest: Let us be attentive. Peace be with all. Wisdom! Let us be attentive.
People: (Prokimen tone 4) The just cried for help and the Lord heard them, he rescued them from all troubles.
verse: Many are the trials of the just, but from them all the Lord will rescue them.
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord have mercy.
Priest: For You, our God, are holy and You dwell among the saints, and we glorify You, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.
People: Amen. Let everything that breathes give praise to the Lord.
verse: Praise God in the holy places, praise Him in the establishment of His power.
Priest: That we may become worthy of hearing the Holy Gospel, in peace let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy. (3X)
Priest: Wisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the holy Gospel. Peace be with all.
People: And with your spirit.
Priest: A reading of the holy Gospel according to Luke.
People: Glory be to You, O Lord, glory be to You.
Priest: Let us be attentive.
The Lord said to His disciples: “Men will seize and persecute you, they will hand you over to the synagogues and to prisons, and they will have you led before kings and governors because of My name. It will lead to your giving testimony. Remember, you are not to prepare your defense beforehand, for I myself shall give you a wisdom in speaking that all your adversaries will be powerless to resist or refute. You will even be handed over by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you to death. You will be hated by all because of My name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will secure your lives.”
People: Glory be to You, O Lord, glory be to You.
Priest: O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you suffered and died for the sake of Christ, intercede or us sinners.
People: Blessed Hieromartyr Vasyl, pray to God for us.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you preached the Gospel with your life, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you gave witness to us of the pearl of great price, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you stood firm in your faith against the atheistic regime, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you proclaimed the Word of God to prisoners, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you were condemned to be executed by a firing squad, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you remained faithful to Christ before the torturers, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you suffered immeasurable tortures in prison, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you went without fear into the danger of war, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you did not abandon your flock in the face of persecution, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you received all this as God’s will for you, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you humbled yourself and embraced the Cross with joy, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you were a champion for Church Union, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, you enflamed others to love the Mother of God, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, your love for Christ caused you to pay the ultimate price, intercede for us sinners.
O Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, your death is now crowned with glory, intercede for us sinners.
Priest: Humbly bowing our heads and bending our knees, let us pray to the Lord.
People: Lord, have mercy. (3X)
Priest: O Lord, our God, You have so loved us, that You sent your Son Jesus who showed us the way of perfection through the way of the Cross. He was obedient to You, His Father, and took the form of a servant, even unto death, Therefore, You have exalted Him and given Him the name Lord.
You call all to believe in You and to follow Your way. We thank You for the grace You gave to Vasyl Velychkovsky such that he was able to pay the ultimate price of faithfulness to You in giving his life. His love for You, caused him to die, so as not to betray You and Your Truth.
We thank You for glorifying him in Your heavenly kingdom, that he may be for all of us a shining example of Your powerful presence in our lives. That which is impossible for us is possible through You, our Lord and Master. We pray that You give us the grace of faithfulness and generousity as we seek to respond to Your love. Through his intercession, help us always to stand firm in the Truth and be faithful to You and Your commandments.
O Holy Mother of God and our Mother of Perpetual Help, whom Blessed Martyr Vasyl loved so dearly, lead us to Your Son Jesus. Give us the courage always to follow Him in all the circumstances of our life. We place ourselves under your protection.
For all the glory and honour belongs to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.
People: Amen.
Priest: Have mercy on us, O God, according to your great mercy, we pray to you, hear us and have mercy.
People: Lord, have mercy (3X).
Priest: Let us pray that the Lord God may raise His Blessed Martyr Vasyl to the ranks of the Saints, O Lord, hear us and have mercy.
People: Lord, have mercy (3X).
Priest: Again, let us pray that He may preserve this city and this holy church and every city, town, and countryside from famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, civil war, riot, and foreign invasion; and that our God who is kindly and loves us all, may forgive us our sins and hold back His just wrath, and that He may have mercy on us.
People: Lord, have mercy (3X).
Priest: Hear us, O God our Saviour, Hope of all those who live at the far ends of the earth, and of those traveling by sea, air, and land; be kind to us, O Master, forgive us our sins and have mercy on us, for You are a gracious Lord who loves mankind, and we give glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.
People: Amen.
Priest: Wisdom!
People: More honourable than the Cherubim and by far more glorious than the Seraphim; ever a virgin, you gave birth to God the Word, O true Mother of God, we magnify you.
Priest: Glory be to You, Christ God, our hope, glory be to You.
People: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen . Lord, have mercy (3X). Give the blessing.
Priest: May Christ, our true God, through the prayers of His most pure Mother, of our venerable and God-bearing Fathers, and of Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl and all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us, for He is good and loves us all.
People: Amen.
Hymn to Blessed Vasyl
O Blessed Vasyl Bishop and Martyr,
hear now your people who pray.
O Blessed Vasyl Bishop and Martyr,
heal now your people who pray.
1.The Mother of God was steady stronghold.
She led you to give your life for her Son.
When suffering you bore She was your true comfort.
Her wisdom you sought was God`s Will be done.
2.Your faith in the Lord has brought us great wonders.
Your steadfast love for Him never died.
When given the choice to love or deny Him,
You gave Him your life and for Him you died.
3.O Martyr of Christ, you lead us to love Him.
To give Him our hearts, was your great desire.
Receive now our prayers for health and salvation.
Beseech you our Lord for all we require.
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In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3X)
Heavenly King, Advocate , Spirit of truth, Who are everywhere present and fill all things, Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life, come and dwell within us; cleanse us of all that defiles us, and, O Good One, save our souls.
Opening Prayer:
O great and holy martyr, our blessed father Vasyl, you were on fire with God’s Word and have followed His will even unto death. You were sanctified and purified by the cross and today you stand in God’s Presence wearing the martyr’s crown. You, who have confidence before the Lord, pray for us who come to you with love and devotion. We come to you with all of our needs knowing that the Lord hears His faithful ones. Intercede for us before the Almighty God, that each one receives according to their needs.
Bring comfort to the sorrowful and hope to the lost; heal the sick; give courage to the young; bring a change of heart to all those who fall into sin; enlighten our minds with the truth of the Gospel; inspire us always to follow Christ; help us always to choose the good; give us courage in times of distress, faith in times of despair, hope in times of darkness; and strengthen our commitment to love our Lord. Grant that each one of us be saved through the grace and mercy of God, that together with you we may praise and glorify Him who is wondrous in His saints: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
On the larger bead:
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
Blessed Vasyl, our Father, may your prayer envelop us. Pray for us who are weak and sinful, that we may become saints. May your sufferings and struggles strengthen us on the road to God. Pray for us and our people that we persevere amidst all our sorrows. You were faithful unto death as a child of Mary. We too wish to be the same. Amen.
On the smaller beads:
O Bishop and Martyr Vasyl, pray for us to Jesus and Mary! (10X)
Closing Prayer
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to you we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3X)